Thursday, December 9, 2010


We are truly at a crossroads in america. Do we accept increasing government intervention into our lives in the name of security? Or, do we push back and reclaim our liberty?

The growing security apparatus in this country is a direct product of the events of September 11, 2001. Why were we told that if we let the "terrorists" disrupt our daily lives they will have won, but Homeland Security and TSA countinue to clamp down on ordinary americans? Treating us as though we are the "terrorists". Even if you believe that arab muslims perpetrated these attacks why aren't they just profiling them at the airports? Why are they groping old women and children?

Is this the country we want to leave to our children and grand children? I say NO!, and if that makes me an extremist then I wear that label proudly.

This has nothing to do with security and everything to do with domination and control. If we don't start pushing back hard soon the sun will set on this once grand experiment.